
Great seats at a Jets game | Jordans 2.0 | Hiding spot after church
Babysitting date night | Julien's swagger | Sweet Lincoln
Pretty Milan | Our favourite baby line up | Cutie pie Theo! 
Milan's growth spurt | His and hers training chopsticks | We ♥ Fall

Costco date with Hans + Cathy | chalkboard bench | Lee's steps recorded


Spending our last days of summer in the backyard and on the deck.
#happykids | Manitoba Museum | Jingle and Bell dogs won't work
Flying paper planes | Fairy tattoos on her arm | Ready for her date with Elmo
Kids at a Sesame Street Concert for an evening | This looked like a video game | Side part James  
Nature Playground and Sargent Sundae before the cold weather.
Classic Lee face | Milan's 1st princess party | #hellofall


It's getting cold and the fallen leaves are beautiful.


Assiniboine Park buddies.


Bedtime Routine.